EQuilibrium Maastricht

Welcome @ EQuilibrium Maastricht
Welcome @ EQuilibrium Maastricht

Acupuncture of the Martial Arts

What is Acupuncture of the Martial Arts? This is a method for which fingers, instead of needles are used for acupuncture. The technique stems from ancient wars. In between battles, the soldiers were treated to...

Privacy statement

Wij hebben onze privacyverklaring aangepast om zo te voldoen aan de nieuw wet: Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming (AVG). Dit om u meer inzicht te geven over hoe wij met uw gegevens omgaan zowel online als offline....

Yoga & Mensendieck Therapy

Mensendieck Therapy is a paramedic therapy type, specialized in changing behavior and habits regarding physical exercised and movement. The individual therapy focuses on self-reliance of the client. The therapist will help the client to gain...


EQuilibrium Maastricht consist of a group of people who work together
in the field of movement and health. In our Dojo we work following
 the principle of Wu Wei. This is a Chinese proverb that stands for 
“not acting against the nature of things”. 
To us, Wu Wei means that we focus on increasing people’s inner and outer strength, as well as their resilience and well-being. 
Our goal is to give people the tools so that they can continue to grow independently. 


Free try out sessions Self-Defense for Women

FREE try out sessions:10th and 17th of JanuaryTime: Wednesday, 19:00-20:00Self-Defense for Women teaches women to discover their unique strengths and defend themselves. During the course,...
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Happy New Year

The EQ-Team wishes you a very Happy New Year!We hope to see you soon in the EQ-dojo.The EQ-Team
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New course Self-Defense for Women

Self-defence for Women is a course rather than a drop-in class. This means participants need to sign up for all 8 sessions. Time: Wednesday, 19:00-20:00...
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If you have any questions please do not hesitate to send us an email:

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)


    Your Message

    EQuilibrium Maastricht
    Dojo EQ-Zuid
    Building:  “Stichting Moetiara Maloekoe”
    Godefridus van Heerstraat 38
    6227 RJ Maastricht


    What we do

    Tai Chi

    We are teaching Chen- Wu- and Yangstyle. Tai Chi is a technique where the person learns how to optimize the energy flow in the body. The person learns a serie of movements during a long time (sometimes a few years) so the body can adjust and  rest in the movement. At that point the movement starts to be a meditation.

    The movements are slow and relaxing and the stresslevel immediately decreases. After an hour of Tai Chi people often tell that everything goes ‘better’.

    Kierty Verbooy trains martial arts since he was 4 years old. At the age of 14 he started to learn Tai Chi. Since 1992 he has been teaching Tai Chi for over 10 years at the Maastricht University, now he  has his own school in educating teachers and has developed an tought several international movementprogammes.


    • monday      19.00 – 20.00
      thursday    10.00 – 11.00

    Practical information

    • We train on bare feet.
    • Wear easy clothes


    Lesson card

    At Equilibrium Maastricht you can buy a 10 lesson card. This card gives you acces to all 1 hour lessons from Equilibrium Maastricht:  Mensendieckgym, Mindfulness, Inner Strength, selfdefence for women and Tai Chi.

    • 95 euro for an 10-lesson card (this card is 4 months valid).
    • 85 euro for 65+ and student  (please bing your pass when you buy the card).You can buy a 10 lesson card for 1,5 hours per lesson: Hatha-Yoga
      • 100 euro for an 10-lesson card (this card is 4 months valid).
      • 90 euro for 65+ and student  (please bing your pass when you buy the card).

    There are lessons given in the dojo by other schools, they have other rates. If you are interested you can contact them:

    We would like to welcome you and offer you the first lesson for free!

    Massages/Individual treatments Duration Costs
    Martial arts of the Acupuncture 60 min. 75 euro
    Mensendieck/Yogatherapy             60 min. 60 euro
    Abhyangamassage 90 min. 95 euro
    Coaching 60 min. 60 euro
    intake 15 min. gratis
    session 60 min. 60 euro
    Personal trainer 60 min. 50 euro
    intake 60 min. 35 euro
    session 60 min. 60 euro

    School Massagecourse
    Once per month on a Saturday we have a massagecourse. The themes and dates are on our facebookpage and on the website

    • 6 x  first part of the year
    • 4 x  second part of the year
    • from: 10.00 – 16.00 uur.
    • Costs:  95 euro
      and for EQ members 80 euro.

    Martial Arts/Meditation – days/weeks

    On Sundays and in vacations we offer several workshops. Themes and dates are being announced on the agenda on our website and on the facebookpage.