Aspecially for all the Yoga lovers we are organising a Yoga holiday week in a beautiful 4*hotel. Hotel Das Sieben is located within the Tiroler mountains and has very nice wellness and spa-facilities,
What do we offer?
2x per day Yoga (before breakfast and before dinner)
These lessons will be taught by 4 yoga teachers:
Marina Carmans, Christina van der Goten, Natasja Smeets en Jeannette Verbooy.
2 x a lecture or workshop with subject that are related to Yoga/meditation/philosofie taught by Kierty and Jeannette.
1x a massage by Jeannette (Abhyanga) or by Kierty (Tuina).
A beautiful 1 person or double room based on halfpension
The prices for participants are between 1000 – 1500 p.p. depending of the sort of room.
What are we offering you during this Yoga-week?
Classical Hatha-Yoga training, where the emphasis will be on using Yoga-practice in daily life. The purpose of the training is to improve your movability, creating space in your body by using breathing-techniques and learning to use your body-strength in a gentle way. The goal of Yoga is to discover (or uncover) your-self, so you can reach a point of stillness inside you.
The morning-practice will be more dynamic, within a flow of movements. The afternoon-practice will be softer, finding your own way to a Yoga-position (Sanskrite: āsana) where you feel stable and comfortable (Sanskrite: sthira sukham).
We’ll provide some exercises to help you to continue your Yoga-practice at home.
What is Yoga?
The word Yoga comes from the ancient language Sanskrite and it means ‘integration’ or ‘unifying’. In the classical sense practizising Yoga means education in lifestyle, ethics, philosophy, spirituality and meditation. Yoga is a science which has been developed over thousands of years and is still developing. A part of this science is known as Hatha-Yoga.
The word ‘Ha’ means literally ‘Sun’ and refers to the energy of the solaris plexus wich is situated in the belly. The word ‘Tha’ means ‘Moon’ and refers to the energy of the emotions, wich is settled in the limbic part of the brain. By exercising Hatha-Yoga you are improving the balance between body and thinking.
If you exercise Hatha-Yoga regularly you will notice beside physical improvements also mental improvements like a better focus and concentration, also your stability and self-confidence will increase.
Who are teaching during the Yoga-week?
During the Yoga-week in Health-resort ‘das Sieben’ you will be coached in Yoga by four Hatha-Yoga teachers, who are all educated in Belgium. At the Vormingsinstituut voor Yogadocenten in Zolder; they all have a 5 year–training of classical Hatha-Yoga; this includes physical training, philosophy, anatomy/physiologie and meditation. Some of them are Teacher-trainers at this Institute (subjects: Yoga-practice and anatomy/physiology-theory).
The teachers